Your Horse inspires its readers to enjoy every second in the saddle. Written by a team of passionate equestrian experts, Your Horse magazine helps you improve your riding, care for your horses and stay up to date on the latest gear. We also encourage you to try new and exciting adventures! Our three main areas of content are: Riding advice: From the best riders and trainers in the world Horse care advice: Expert tips and advice on all aspects of horse care Buying Advice: Helping you spend your money with confidence Your Horse magazine: share our passion for horses.
This month's highlights…
HORSE talk • Here’s what you need to know about this month
LET'S SADDLE UP FOR GUIDED ADVENTURES • Anyone looking for new hacking routes in their local area and further afield could consider taking their horse on escorted or guided rides. Charlotte Cooper finds out more from organisers around the country
YOUR HORSE MAGAZINE meets CAROLINE SETON ‘I knew as soon as I was sick that I was suffering from concussion’ • Riders are renowned for being excessively stoical when it comes to injuries, not least when a fall leads to head trauma. Julie Harding finds out from a concussion sufferer why this can be such a dangerous approach
Ignore a head injury at your peril • Natalie MacKenzie, a cognitive rehabilitation therapist, explains how frighteningly common sports-related brain injuries actually are, and what course of action sufferers should take
SEND a selfie
SOPHIE CLARK • Head of product at Cavago
Mind GAMES • Visualisation is a powerful tool when it comes to training, and Joanne Burns Firth explains how riders can tune in. Helen Milbank reports from the session
Lessons learned
HOT TO trot • With training and practice a horse’s trot can really boast the wow factor. British team hopeful Lara Butler explains how to create a trot that is full of panache
Novice HERE WE COME! • Preparing for a novice dressage test? Fear not as Melissa Chapman, a former eventer turned dressage rider and coach, is able to share a veritable goldmine of information to help you ride into that ring with confidence with every intention of netting an enviable score
Fix it… BACK TO work • Feeling rusty after a winter rest? Five-star eventer Lucy Latta shares her go-to exercises to ease horse and rider back into the swing of things
GETTING UP TO speed • Equestrians might think that endurance and speed training is just for the pros, but in this new series on multi-discipline strategies to create the ultimate all-round equine, four-star eventer and coach Sarah Gairdner explains why a well-structured session on the gallops can benefit everyone
Lessons learned
LET'S NOT brush THIS UNDER THE CARPET • It can be frustrating when horses fidget during a grooming session, but are they trying to tell us to do things differently? Understanding their point of view will help to ensure that harmony reigns, says Emma Massingale
THE CUT THAT calms • Very few equestrians want a feisty stallion on the yard, but what is involved in gelding an entire, which is likely to significantly alter his behaviour? Vet Lucinda Ticehurst offers the lowdown on what owners can expect during a castration and what can occasionally go wrong
A COAT OF MANY colours • Most horses will stay the same colour all their lives, but a few equines completely change their appearance. Journalist Charlotte Cooper discovers the science behind Mother Nature’s transformations
Readers' colour-shifting equines
Why not join Spillers' Super Seniors' Club
ASK THE experts
Rule changes should be checked with the individual equestrian sports bodies